The Right Type of Cabinetry for Your Home

The Right Type of Cabinetry for Your Home

The Right Type of Cabinetry for Your Home Selecting products for your abode can be both challenging and rewarding. When focused on the kitchen, how do you know what is the right type of cabinet for your home? There is a magnitude of considerations when it comes to the final decision. You have to think about wood type, color, size, organizational elements, hardware, budget and more. It’s very helpful to hire a designer to assist in the selection and decision making process. This professional will guide you from vision to reality. Style vs. Need/Benefit The designers at Braemar focus on style vs. need/benefit. The best type of cabinet adequately fulfills both requirements, and sometimes these two factors blend together. You may be wondering about the difference between style and need/benefit. When considering the style of your cabinets, think about colors, shape and general aesthetics. In contrast, when thinking about need/benefit,

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Designer for Braemar Cabinetry

When it comes to incorporating cabinetry into your space, we know our stuff! We believe it is time for us to share our knowledge with the world and inspire others to turn their house into a home by maximizing the space you have through design, renovation, and expansion. Whether you are looking for the latest trends and styles, advice on how to select cabinets, solutions for space planning or just general cabinetry  knowledge, we have got you covered.  Have a question not answered in our blogs, feel free to reach out to us. We are always here to help!